Friday, April 5, 2019

Writing a Novel: Exposition

Technically, all writing is exposition. Writing is simply explaining, describing, or commenting, which is what exposition is. But when we're talking about fiction, exposition is generally used to describe the act of giving the reader the information he or she needs to understand the story. A certain amount of exposition is necessary if you are to avoid confusing your readers, so exposition is a good thing. But filling your entire opening chapter with page after page of exposition is never a good idea.

In film and on stage, exposition tends to happen while characters are eating or drinking. Think of the "bar scene" or the dinner between characters that happens in your favorite movie. The characters sit down, share food and drink, and reveal or work out some important piece of plot that the movie needs to move forward. This works well enough on the stage or screen, but a novel is a different beast entirely.

On stage and screen, you are limited by what you see, but writing is more subtle. This subtly does not easily allow for the sudden dumping of exposition, especially at the beginning of a novel. If you're trying to squeeze in your exposition, your readers will know it. It will appear unnatural and forced. If a character doesn't have reason to think or say a thing, it will stick out and surely break the spell you're trying to weave for your readers.

Fortunately, getting exposition right isn't too difficult if you're writing in third or first person. It should be a relatively simple matter to include relevant facts when they become relevant. If there is a reason for the character to think or say the exposition, then it fits into the story without being noticed.

The problem writers often run into, however, is assuming the reader needs or wants more information than is currently relevant to the story. Don't include a piece of information in Chapter 2 if it's not needed until Chapter 52. Remember that most readers are just like you and I. They are forgetful. They don't always want to flip back and forth. Unless you have a compelling reason to provide a bit of information well before it's needed, don't do it. One of the exceptions to this is a mystery novel. Mystery readers are quite accustomed to a piece of seemingly irrelevant information coming back to haunt your characters.

But in general, you should not force a piece of information before it is naturally revealed by the story. If you are dumping exposition upon your readers, make sure it is invisible. Have a character who is excited or frightened reveal too much. Make sure your characters have a good motivation for thinking or talking about the information you are presenting. And don't do it in your opening chapter. Your opening chapter is for hooking your readers, not confusing them with bits of information they won't need until the end of the story.

For exposition to be seamless, it must be motivated by the facts of the story. There is an element of timing involved, and one of relevancy. Just because you, as the author, feel the information is important doesn't mean it should be presented right at that moment. There must be a reason, or it will feel chunky and out of place.

The best story beginnings aren't filled with a bunch of facts that don't make any sense yet. They are filled with brilliant descriptions, vibrant characters, and unanswered questions. Propel your readers into your story before you start dumping exposition on them. Even if it's necessary exposition.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Writing After a Long Illness

As most people will agree, life isn't always easy. It throws us curve ball after curve ball and doesn't bother to ask us if we're ready to deal with it. And deal with it we do. Until we're given more than we can handle.

Such was the case for me at the end of 2017. I have a chronic illness, so I haven't been well for years, but at the end if 2017 things took a turn for the worse. Doctors discovered a diffuse brain tumour, one they couldn't do a lot about. I couldn't be fixed. I cannot be fixed.

But there were things that could be done to control the symptoms. The tumour is slow growing, very slow, so was not in immediate danger. But it was still impairing my brain activity, still causing it's own set of problems. Without going into the details, it's taken an entire year to get to the point where I can return to work. Return to writing.

As anyone who has been forced on medical leave can attest, returning to work after a long illness is difficult. Beyond difficult. It is never an easy process. But when you're a writer, working from home, there are a whole new set of challenges.

First, it's motivation. I don't have a boss. I don't have someone hanging over me demanding work get done. My editor doesn't care if I work or not. No one does, really. So just sitting at the computer and pounding out some actual words can be a challenge. Forcing creative work is, while not impossible, very difficult.

But once I'm at the computer, ready to write, then what? What words do I write? What story? Where was I in that cruddy novel I was writing more than a year ago? Can I continue with that novel? Start a new novel? What novel? I need an idea and I need it now. Hello...

So, while I wait for that idea to arrive, I'll blog. I have multiple blogs about multiple topics. Dogs, horses, paganism, I write about a lot of things. Maybe I'll get back into the swing of things with some blogging.


Wish me luck!