Thursday, December 30, 2010

Writing a Novel: The Literary Fiction Genre

One of the newer ‘genres’ is the literary fiction book. This type of book is often difficult to define, and books written in this style usually fall into another category as well. In addition, this style can be difficult to master, and only those who truly wish to write one of these novels should even attempt it.

What is Literary Fiction?

Literary fiction wasn’t really defined as a genre until the 1970s. At this point, literary fiction was said to be fiction that had literary merit. This definition still exists, but it can be difficult to understand. At its most basic, literary fiction focuses on character, style, and psychological depth. Plot may or may not be important. On the other hand, mainstream fiction is driven by plot or narrative.

This definition leaves much room for interpretation, and literary fiction is a rather subjective genre, if it can be called a genre at all. Literary fiction is the type of fiction that often wins literary awards, so if you are confused as to what qualifies as literary fiction, take a look at some past winners of these awards.

One thing all literary fiction has in common is the focus on human nature. These books might also be classified as fantasy, science fiction, or mystery, but they will also speak strongly to society. For example, one of the most famous of literary writers, Charles Dickens, described how dark society could be. His book weren’t always fun, and they didn’t necessarily entertain, but they did address aspects of human nature. Therefore, they are literary fiction.

Should You Write Literary Fiction?

This is a difficult question to answer. Perhaps, yes, you could write a literary fiction book. But that doesn’t mean you should. First evaluate your interest in the genre. Do you enjoy reading literary classics? Do you find authors such as Charles Dickens, Alexander Dumas, or Roald Dahl engaging enough to read an entire book written in that style? If the answer is ‘no’ then you should probably readdress your desire to write literary fiction. Either that, or be continually faced with writer’s block.

If you truly have a burning desire to create a great work of literary fiction, then do so. But you have to want it, or your book will fall far short of a literary classic. Though this type of fiction may seem challenging, remember that it can also be liberating. When writing literary fiction, you are free to incorporate other genres as well. Perhaps you’ll write a romance that is also literary fiction, or even a western. You never know until you try.